###Confirmed speakers
Xavier Blanc, Paris Diderot University
Charles-Édouard Brehier, ENS Cachan Rennes
Zdzislaw Brzezniak, University of York
Julia Charrier, University of Aix Marseille
Fabio Nobile, EPF Lausanne
Andreas Prohl University of Tuebingen
Christoph Schwab, ETH Zürich
Daniel Tartakovsky, University of California, San Diego
Aretha Teckentrup, University of Bath
Gilles Vilmart, University of Geneva, ENS Rennes and INRIA
Jochen Voss, University of Leeds
Dates : Tuesday 10 to Wednesday 11 September 2013
Location : Rennes
Contact : J. Erhel, E. Faou et T. Lelièvre,
The NASPDE workshop (Numerical Analysis of Stochastic PDEs) takes place once a year. The goal of this conference is to promote recent advances in Numerical Analysis related to PDEs and/or Probability Theory and their applications. It covers various domains from simulation and analysis of numerical schemes for PDE or SPDE, to propagation of uncertainty and the developpement of efficient simulation methods for random processes.
###Registration Registration are now opened. [Please fill in the registration form](/sites/default/files/Inscription%20%C3%A0%20la%20conf%C3%A9rence%20NASPDE%202013.pdf) and send it back to [cecile.bouton@inria.fr][400]
An important agricultural meeting, the SPACE, will be held in Rennes during the conference. This makes hotel accommodation extremely difficult to find during this period. We invite the participants to contact the office du tourisme as soon as possible, or to contact directly E. Faou or C. Bouton.
###Organization and support
This conference is organized by INRIA Rennes. It is supported by the ERC Starting Grant Project Geopardi, INRIA and the Henri Lebesgue Center of Mathematics.