The Lebesgue Center is a research and training center in mathematics for Western France, with strong interdisciplinary links to the socio-economic environment. It is an excellence cluster (labex) funded by the program investissements d'avenir.

Activities of the Lebesgue Center


Initially centered on Rennes and Nantes, the Lebesgue Center included in 2015 the Mathematic departments of Brest, Vannes and Angers.

Its is a high level research center in mathematics, with international impact, and covering a wide spectrum of mathematics, from foundations to applications. It boosts the research training offer within its partner laboratories, and aims to develop dynamics of collaborations at the interface with the socio-economic environment, in particular in the domains of health, information technologies and materials.

Chair of the Lebesgue Center and organisation

Partners : Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes (Irmar, UMR 6625), Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray (LMJL, UMR 6629), Département de mathématiques, Ecole normale supérieure de Rennes, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Bretagne Atlantique (LMBA, UMR 6205, Brest et Vannes), Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Mathématiques (LAREMA, UMR 6093).

Project founders : San Vũ Ngọc (Irmar, Rennes 1) en coordination avec Arnaud Debussche (Irmar, ENS Cachan) et Laurent Guillopé (LMJL, Nantes). Co-fondateur: Christoph Sorger.