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The Lebesgue labex
- makes a world-class research
as testified by the number of articles published every year in the best international journals, or the IUF nominations
- is attractive
as shown by the number of CNRS researchers who chose to come there, among all possible math departments in France
- invests in master, PhD and post-doc formation
with grants at all levels, that have several times given rise to thesis awards
- is dynamical
with every year the organization of thematic semesters, gathering several conferences or summer schools around one common topic
- participates in the diffusion of mathematics
notably with the 5 minutes Lebesgue
A list of highlights:
- Year 2024 The French Government through France 2030 has renewed his support to The Henri Lebesgue Center until decembre 2026.
- 2022 The LAREMA obtains a Connect Talent project from the région Pays de la Loire, devoted to high frequency analysis, led by Clotilde Fermanian and Nicolas Raymond.
- 2022 Susanna Zimmermann and Nicolas Raymond are junior members of the IUF.
- 2022Kilian Raschel has been awarded the AMS Robbins prize, together with Alin Bostan and Irina Kurkova
- January 2022 Beginning of the thematic semester Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Year 2021 485 documents produced by CHL.
- 2021 Serge Cantat is awarded an ERC advanced grant for the project "Groups of Algebraic Transformations".
- 2021Michel Crouzeix has been awarded the Best Paper Prize from the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra
- January 2021 Beginning of the thematic semester Mathematical physics and geometry
- Year 2020 467 documents produced by CHL.
- 2020Mercedes Haiech received the prize "Jeunes Talents France" from the Fondation l'Oréal-Unesco
- 2020 Barbara Schapira and Gabriel Rivière are junior members of the IUF.
- 2020An article cosigned by Mercedes Haiech was distinguished during the conference ISSAC 2020.
- 2020 Two projects étoiles montantes have been granted to Mickael Escobar-Bach and Marco Golla by the region Pays de Loire.
- 2020 CNRS Bronze Medal granted to Suzanna Zimmermann.
- 2019 - 2020 post-doc Lebesgue grant attributed to Divyang G. Bhimani.
- 2019 - 2020 13 laureates for the Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2019 529 documents produced by CHL.
- 2019 Étienne Mémin is awarded an ERC Synergies grant for the project "Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics".
- 2019 Suzanna Zimmermann is a recipient of the programme Etoiles montantes of the Pays de la loire region.
- 2019The prize Julio Peláez from the Fundation Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno has been granted to Elisa Lorenzo García
- 2019The prize of the best thesis 2019 from the Société Française d'Analyse Sensorielle was awarded to Margot Brard.
- 2019 The Centre Henri Lebesgue funding has been extended for five more years, to December, 2024.
- 2019 Brin Prize 2019 awarded to Sébastien Gouëzel.
- 2019 La Recherche 2019 Prize attributed to Frédéric Marbach.
- 2019Nicoletta Tchou was awarded the palmes académiques de l'Université de Rennes 1.
- 2019 Publication of the first volume of Annales Henri Lebesgue.
- 2019 Benoît Claudon is a junior member of IUF.
- January 2019 Beginning of the thematic semester Geometry, Arithmetic and Cryptography: Correspondences
- 2018 - 2019 post-doc Lebesgue grants attributed to Giulio Orecchia, Roberto Féola et Weerapat Satitkanitkul.
- 2018 - 2019 17 laureates for the Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2018 558 documents produced by CHL. Among them, one can (a little bit arbitrarily) distinguish the following remarkable results :
- 2018 Serge Cantat and Sébastien Gouëzel are invited as speakers to the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Rio.
- 2018 Karine Beauchard and Miguel Rodrigues are junior members of the IUF, and Arnaud Debussche is a senior member.
- 2018Ph-D prize of the Fondation Rennes 1 granted to María Cumplido Cabello.
- 2018 Launching of the generalist mathematics journal Annales Henri Lebesgue
- October 2018 Arrivals in IRMAR of Frédéric Marbach as CR CNRS, of Gilles Tissot as CR INRIA and of Rémi Carles as DR CNRS.
- January 2018 Beginning of the thematic semester Scientific computing
- 2017 - 2018 post-doc Lebesgue grants attributed to Rhiannon Dougall, Valente Ramírez and Olga Romaskevich. Valente Ramírez has also received a Prestige grant.
- 2017 - 2018 24 laureates for the Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2017 550 documents produced by CHL. Among them, one can (a little bit arbitrarily) distinguish the following remarkable results :
- 2017Erwan Brugallé and Joe Viola have been honored by the Pays de la Loire region, respectively in the programs « connect talent » and « Étoile montante ».
- 2017 Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer prize attributed to Julien Sebag, together with Antoine Chambert-Loir and Johannes Nicaise.
- 2017 According to the Shangaï ranking, IRMAR is among the best 75 mathematics departments worldwide.
- November 2017Michel Monpetit prize of the French Academy of Sciences attibuted to Karine Beauchard.
- October 2017 Arrivals of Juliette Bavard and Marco Golla as CR CNRS in IRMAR and LMJL
- January 2017 Beginning of the thematic semester Dynamics and Geometry
- 2016 - 2017 post-doc Lebesgue grants attributed to Erkao Bao and Rémi Cornaggia
- 2016 - 2017 18 laureates for the Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2016 546 documents produced by CHL. Among them, one can (a little bit arbitrarily) distinguish the following remarkable results :
- November 2016 Creation of the Lebesgue Agency of Mathematics for Innovation
- October 2016 Arrivals of Yannick Bonthonneau and Junyi Xie as CR CNRS in IRMAR
- January 2016 Beginning of the thematic semester Statistics
- 2015 - 2016 post-doc Lebesgue grants attributed to Rémi Catelier, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Alberto Maspero and Niccolo Torri
- 2015 - 2016 20 laureates for the Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2015 432 documents produced by CHL. Among them, one can (a little bit arbitrarily) distinguish the following remarkable results :
- 2015 State Prize of Science Academy attributed to Yves Guivarc'h
- 2015 Enlargment of Henri Lebesgue Center to the mathematics departments of Angers and Brest and Vannes
- 2015 ERC Grant attributed to Frédéric Bernicot for his project FAnFArE
- 2015 Docteur Honoris Causa from University of Cantabria in Santander granted to Marie-Françoise Roy.
- November 2015 Creation of the 5 minutes Lebesgue
- October 2015 Arrival of Sébastien Gouëzel as DR CNRS in LMJL
- January 2015 Beginning of the thematic semester PDEs and long times
- 2014 - 2015 post-doc Lebesgue grants attributed to Rémi Catellier, Alessio Fiorentino, Alberto Vezzani, Victoria Lebed and Andy Wand
- 2014 - 2015 18 laureates for the Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2014 340 documents produced by CHL. Among them, one can (a little bit arbitrarily) distinguish the following remarkable result :
- 2014 Maurice Audin Prize attributed to San Vũ Ngọc
- 2014 Françoise Pène is nominated as an IUF honorary member
- October 2014 Arrival of Rémi Coulon as CR CNRS in IRMAR
- January 2014 Beginning of the thematic semester Around moduli spaces
- 2013 - 2014 post-doc Lebesgue grants attributed to Marco Falconi, Thuong Lê Quy and Georg Biedermann
- 2013 - 2014 16 laureates for the Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2013 310 documents produced by CHL. Among them, one can (a little bit arbitrarily) distinguish the following remarkable results :
- 2013 Blaise Pascal Prize of Science Academy attributed to Erwan Faou
- 2013 del Duca Prize of Science Academy attributed to Serge Cantat
- 2013 PhD thesis Prize of the Fondation Rennes 1 awarded to Antonia Wachter-Zeh.
- October 2013 Arrivals of Marianne Bessemoulin-Chatard as CR CNRS in LMJL, and of Juan Souto as DR CNRS in IRMAR
- October 2013 Arrival of Vincent Duchêne as CR CNRS in IRMAR
- January 2013 Beginning of the thematic semester Perspectives in analysis and probability
- 2012 - 2013 6 laureates for the first Master Lebesgue grants
- Year 2012 353 documents produced by CHL. Among them, one can (a little bit arbitrarily) distinguish the following remarkable results :
- 2012 Creation of the Henri Lebesgue Center, a mathematics Labex (laboratoire d'excellence) funded by the program investissements d'avenir, made of IRMAR (Rennes mathematics department), of LMJL (Nantes mathematics department), and of ENS Rennes mathematics department