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Core courses

Introduction to hyperbolic partial differential equations (C. Berthon and H. Mathis)

Microlocal analysis and spectral theory (K. Pravda-Starov and D. Yafaev)

Numerical analysis (B. Boutin, N. Crouseilles, E. Darrigrand and A. Debussche)

Fundamental tools in partial differential equations theory (F. Castella and F. Méhats)

Advanced courses

Hamiltonian dynamics and normal forms (B. Grébert)

Introduction to semiclassical analysis (X.-P. Wang)

Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces (M. Cafasso)

Negative eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators (A. Grigor'yan)

Incompressible Euler equation and vortex dynamics (T. Hmidi)

Geometric integration of differential equations (P. Chartier)

Spectral analysis of the Schrödinger equation with an electro-magnetic field (N. Raymond)

Averaging and asymptotic behavior in optimal control (M. Quincampoix)

More information is available for pursuing studies in Nantes or in Rennes.