Roscoff, from October 9th to October 13th

Organization board: Paul Baird, Gilles Carron, Ali Fardoun, Carl Tipler

Scientific board: Gérard Besson (CNRS, Institut Fourier), Olivier Biquard (ENS Paris), Ahmad El Soufi (Univ. Tours)

Geometric Analysis is the application and development of PDE tools and technics in Riemannian geometry, it is also a fundamental tool in mathematical physics. Recently, important conjectures has been solved: Poincaré's conjecture, Willmore's conjecture, Lawson's conjecture, Yau-Tian-Donaldson's conjecture and a lot of new tools has been introduced and developed : optimal transport, weak formulation of Ricci curvature, Geometric measure theory. This conference will be an opportunity for specialists from theses different areas to meet and exchange ideas, questions and knowledge.

The programme of the conference can be found here.