Roscoff, from april 16th to april 20th 2018
Organization board: Martin Costabel, Eric Darrigrand, Monique Dauge, Emmanuelle Guiot, Yvon Lafranche, Florian Rogowski
Scientific board: Monique Dauge (Univ. Rennes 1), Ilaria Perugia (University of Vienna)
This school combines high-level courses on theoretical aspects of finite elements, with more practical implementation issues via an open source C++ library . We propose three different activities:
- The three main courses (ca 5h each) given by
Ricardo Nochetto, University of Maryland, USA
Adaptive Finite Element Methods: Convergence and Optimality
Paul Houston, University of Nottingham, UK
Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods on Polytopic Meshes
Ralf Hiptmair, ETH Zürich, Suisse
Boundary Element Methods: Design, Analysis, and Implementation
An initiation to the finite element library XLiFE++ by Eric Lunéville, POEMS team, ENSTA ParisTech, followed by several practical sessions on computers.
A few mini-courses about different related questions (eigenvalues, integral equations, fast methods, singularities) given by members of the organization board.