Picture of participants below slides
C1: Paul Houston
hp-Version Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Polytopic MeshesLarge file containing 212 slides, chopped into 18 pieces.
C2: Ralf Hiptmair
Boundary Element Methods: Derivation, Analysis, and Implementation
- Plan and references
- Ch I: Representation Formulas
- Ch II: Boundary Integral Equations (BIE)
- Ch III: Boundary Element Methods
- Ch IV: Calderón Preconditioning
C3: Ricardo Nochetto
Adaptive Finite Element Methods
- Lecture 1: Adaptive Piecewise Polynomial Approximation
- Lecture 2: A Posteriori Error Estimation
- Lecture 3: Contraction Property and Optimal Convergence Rates
- Lecture 4: Extensions I
- Lecture 4: Extensions II
- Lecture 6: The Laplace-Beltrami Operator
- Lecture 7: hp-AFEM - Convergence, Optimality and p-Robustness
XLiFE++: Yvon Lafranche, Eric Lunéville, Nicolas Kielbasiewicz
eXtended Library of Finite Elements in C++
- C++ for XLiFE++ by Yvon Lafranche
- Part 1: A multipurpose FEM-BEM library by Eric Lunéville
- Part 2: Mesh, Vector unknowns , Multi-unknowns, DtN operators by Nicolas Kielbasiewicz
- Part 3: BEM, FEM-BEM,transient problems, nonlinear problems by Eric Lunéville
Complements by Monique Dauge, Martin Costabel, Eric Darrigrand
- How to compute upper and lower bounds for eigenvalues by Monique Dauge
- Variational Aspects of Boundary Integral Equations by Martin Costabel
- FastMMLib: a generic Fast Multipole Method library by Eric Darrigrand
Picture of participants
(Drag picture to see everybody) Picture by Laurence Cousin