MONDAY 06/17 | TUESDAY 06/18 | WEDNESDAY 06/19 |
09:00--09:30 Registration and welcome |
09:00--09:40 Etienne PARDOUX |
09:00--09:40 Shanjian TANG |
09:30--10:10 Jin MA |
09:40--10:20 François DELARUE |
09:40--10:20 Gechun LIANG |
10:10--10:50 Rainer BUCKDAHN |
10:20--11:00 Pierre CARDALIAGUET |
10:20--11:00 Yiqing LIN |
10:50--11:10 Break |
11:00--11:20 Break |
11:00--11:20 Break |
11:10--11:50 Shige PENG (remotely) |
11:20--12:00 Agnès SULEM |
11:20--12:00 Monique JEANBLANC |
11:50--12:30 Shengjun FAN |
12:00--12:40 Zuoquan XU |
12:00--12:40 Paul-Eric CHAUDRU DE RAYNAL |
12:30--14:00 Lunch |
12:40--14:10 Lunch |
12:40--14:10 Lunch |
14:00--14:40 Jean-François CHASSAGNEUX |
14:10--14:50 Gianmario TESSITORE |
14:40--15:20 Xunyu ZHOU (remotely) |
14:50--15:30 Marie-Amélie MORLAIS |
15:20--15:40 Break |
15:40--16:20 Juan LI |
17:00--18:30 Visit of the city center 19:30 Conference Diner |
16:20--17:00 Falei WANG |
The conference will take place in Amphitheater Lebesgue, Building.22.
Each slot consists of a 35 minutes talk and 5 minutes for questions.
Lunches will be taken in Building 27, close to the conference room.
List of Abstracts.