###List of (confirmed) speakers
Marc Arnaudon, Université de Bordeaux
Christian Bär, University of Potsdam
Fabrice Baudoin, Purdue University
Denis Bell, University of North Florida
Thomas Cass, Imperial College London
Jean-Dominique Deuschel, TU Berlin
David Elworthy, University of Warwick
Shizan Fang, Université de Bourgogne
Thomas Laetsch, University of California, San Diego
Thierry Lévy, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Xue-Mei Li, University of Warwick
Jean Picard, Université de Clermont-Ferrand
Ionel Popescu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Anton Thalmaier, Université du Luxembourg
Jing Wang, Purdue University
Dates: Wednesday 29 to Friday 31 May 2013
Location: Rennes
Contact: J. Angst, I. Bailleul
Since the pioneering work of K. Itô on the parallel transport along Brownian paths in the early 1960s, the study of interactions between probabilities and differential geometry has become a very rich branch of mathematics. The stochastic approach often proves powerful in (pseudo)-Riemannian Geometry (index formula of Atiyah-Singer, Greew-Wu conjecture) and back recent progress on the geometry of infinite dimensional manifolds help to understand the structure of paths spaces of stochastic processes. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update on the latest developments at the interface between probability theory and geometry and to initiate new interactions.
###Registration is closed