Moduli spaces are among the subjects with a longest history in algebraic geometry. Starting from the first ideas of Riemann to nowadays, the research in this field has always been a backbone for the entire discipline. Its amazing development has also motived many technical advances and discoveries. Still these days the relevant amount of researchers working on moduli theory witnesses a very active and vital field of research. The goal of the current semester of the CHL is to explore many different aspects of this field of research, during several conferences, schools and workshops, to be held in Rennes, Nantes, Angers and Brest.
Scientific coordination: Michele Bolognesi, Christophe Mourougane, Christoph Sorger


Master program

The universities of Nantes and Rennes propose a special Master program strengthened in algebra and geometry related to the topic of the thematic semester. More informations here.


Classical and p-adic Hodge theories

Rennes, from May 12th to May 23rd, 2014
Contact: C. Mourougane
Scientific board: X. Caruso, F. Charles, M. Gros, C. Mourougane

Derived categories (in partnership with GRIFGA)

Nantes, from June 23rd to June 27th, 2014
Contact: M. Bolognesi
Organisation board: M. Bolognesi, M. Bernadara, P. Stellari
Scientific board: C. Sorger, D. Orlov, B. Toen


Moduli spaces of real and complex varieties

Angers, from June 2nd to June 6th, 2014
Contact: F. Mangolte
Organisation board: F. Mangolte, J.-P. Monnier, D. Naie
Scientific board: F. Catanese, V. Kharlamov

Effective moduli spaces and applications to cryptography

Rennes, from June 10th to June 13th, 2014
Contact: D. Lubicz
Organisation board: M. Bolognesi, D. Lubicz, C. Ritzenthaler

Real vector bundles

Brest, from July 7th to July 11th, 2014
Contact: J. Huisman
Scientific board: M. Atiyah, I. Biswas, C. Okonek, A. Parusinski

Loop spaces in geometry and topology

Nantes, Sept 1st to 5th 2014
Contact: H. Abbaspour
Organisation board: H. Abbaspour (Nantes), A. Oancea (Paris), N. Wahl (Copenhagen)


Real geometry and singularities

Rennes, from March 26th to March 28th, 2014
Contact: G. Fichou
Organisation board: G. Fichou, R. Quarez
Scientific board: G. Comte, A. Parusinski

Moduli spaces of connexions

Rennes, from July 1st to July 3rd, 2014
Contact: F. Loray
Organisation board: F. Loray
Scientific board: P. Boalch, F. Loray, M.-H. Saito, C. Simpson