Domain decomposition methods for elliptic problems need a coarse space to be scalable, and there are well established convergence results for these so called two level domain decomposition methods, for both overlapping and non-overlapping subdomains. These results however always contain constants which remain unspecified. I explain in this talk how specific choices of coarse space components can influence these constants. I first show for a simple, one dimensional model problem a coarse space correction which leads together with a Schwarz method to convergence after one coarse correction step; a truly optimal coarse correction. I will then show that such an optimal coarse correction can also be defined for higher dimensional problems, where it however becomes too expensive to be used in practice. I will thus propose approximations of the optimal coarse space, based on multiscale finite element techniques, and show numerical experiments, both for model problems and more realistic high contrast examples.
Martin Gander
Date and time
Workshop - Multiscale numerical methods for differential equations