Three mini-courses presenting complementary aspects and techniques on hyperbolic flows will form the core of this Summer School. They will be given by S. Dyatlov (M.I.T.) and M. Zworki (Berkeley), by L. Flaminio (U. Lille 1), and by C. Liverani (U. Roma Tor Vergata).
Research talks :Research talks will complete these mini-courses, given by:
Y. Colin de Verdière (U. Grenoble Alpes), F. Faure (U. Grenoble Alpes), F. Naud (U. Avignon), F. Pène (U. Brest), M. Pollicott (U. Warwick), G. Rivière (U. Lille 1) M. Tsujii (Kyushu U.), T. Weich (U. Paderborn).