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Mercredi 29 mai

09h00-09h30 Accueil et Café/Thé du matin 09h30-10h30 Thierry Lévy : Two-dimensional Yang-Mills and strings
10h30-11h30 David Elworthy : Some remarks on stochastic analysis with foliations
11h30-12h30 Denis Bell : Quasi-invariant measures on path space (transparents)
12h30-14h30 Repas 14h30-15h30 Christian Bär : Renormalized Integrals and a Path Integral Formula for the Heat Kernel on a Manifold (transparents)
15h30-16h30 Thomas Laetsch : Realizations of the Quantized Hamiltonian via Finite Dimensional Approximations to Wiener Measure (transparents)
16h30-17h00 Pause café 17h00-18h30 Discussion 19h00-21h00 Buffet d'accueil au club des professeurs de l'Université de Rennes 1

Jeudi 30 mai

09h00-09h30 Café/Thé du matin 09h30-10h30 Fabrice Baudoin : Curvature bounds and heat kernel methods in sub-riemannian manifolds (transparents)
10h30-11h30 Anton Thalmaier : Brownian motion, moving metrics and entropy formulas (transparents)
11h30-12h30 Ionel Popescu : Stochastic Target Approach to Ricci Flow on Surfaces (transparents)
12h30-14h30 Repas 14h30-15h30 Jean-Dominique Deuschel : Marginal density expansions for hypoelliptic diffusions
15h30-16h30 Thomas Cass : Stochastic analysis and rough paths (transparents)
16h30-17h00 Pause café 17h00-18h30 Discussion

Vendredi 31 mai

09h00-09h30 Café/Thé du matin 09h30-10h30 Jean Picard : The geometry of non anticipative processes and of stopping times
10h30-11h30 Jing Wang : The subelliptic heat kernel and the associated Brownian motion on the CR model spaces (transparents)
11h30-12h30 Xue-Mei Li : A study of mean field SDEs
12h30-14h30 Repas 14h30-15h30 Shizan Fang : Driver-Malliavin's heat equations on loop groups
15h30-16h30 Marc Arnaudon : A stochastic process finding generalized means on compact manifolds