Registration fees are 180 euros. This includes lunches, banquet dinner and coffee breaks.

The number of participants is limited.

There is a two-step procedure for application and registration.

1) Application (deadline April 8 2022): The candidate must fill the form below before April 8, 2022. All candidates must upload a resume/CV (pdf format). PhD students must upload a letter of support from its supervisor (pdf format). Only complete applications will be considered by the organization committee.

2) Registration/Payment (deadline April 27): After validation of its application by the organizers, the candidate will receive an email indicating the procedure for payment. The application will be definitely validated once the payment is done.

PhD students can apply for a financial support, limited to 500 euros (for registration and travel and accomodation expenses). This financial support must be requested by the supervisor in the letter of support, and a provisional budget must be uploaded.