Instructions for submitting the final version.
Final versions of accepted papers should be submitted in PDF format through the submission server .
To update your existing submission, click on the corresponding "view" icon. Then, on the top right of the screen, click "update file".
The format requirements for the final version are the same as for the submission.
Deadline for submitting the initial version
The deadline for submission of the extended abstract was December 15, 11:59 AM UTC, 2018.
The date for notification of acceptance was February, 8, 2019.
Submissions to WCC 2019 should be submitted electronically in PDF format through the following submission server .
Format requirements for submissions
The submission must be written in English. It should begin with a title, a list of authors with affliations and a short abstract.
The extended abstract should be between 6 and 10 pages, using LaTeX with LNCS style file (
Formatting for the final version will be done using the single line:
The margins will be defined by the default settings of the style, implying that you will not be allowed to use the fullpage option, or to set your own margins. The abstract should begin with a title, the authors' names and their affiliations, a short abstract, and a list of keywords, as follows:
\title{Title of the paper}
%%%% for a single affiliation
\author{Author1 \and Author2 \and Author3}
%%%% or with multiple affiliations
\author{Author1\inst{1} \and Author2\inst{2} \and Author3\inst{3}}